Terms & Conditions

Payments & deposits

A XX% deposit is payable to the Artist, in advance, comprising one third of the total agreed price, in order to secure a date.

The balance of the agreed price is payable either by bank transfer or cash not later 1 week before the Session begins.

All prices quoted for future events, once booked and a deposit paid, will NOT be subject to change at any time in the future.

Minimum number of makeups acceptable for Saturday weddings is 4 however it could be discussed individually.

Please note – By paying your deposit you accept these terms of the contract.

Cancellations, date changes & refunds

Generally a Deposit, once paid, is non-refundable.

However,If the Artist cancels less than 6 months before the date of the Event, the Deposit will be refunded. Further the Artist will try to provide a Replacement Artist if at all possible.

If the Client cancels the Event less than 2 months before the date, 50% of the full payment has to be made, if less than 1 month, the full payment has to be made.

If the Client wishes to change the Date of the Session, it may be re-booked if the Artist is available.

If the Client fails to pay the balance of the agreed amount minimum a week before the Event, then the Client is in breach of the terms of the Contract. The Artist is not required to carry out the Session and the Deposit will be forfeited by the Client in full.

The trail session

A Trial Session is compulsory for the client. It is paid for separately and on the day of the Trial Session.

It involves a consultation about the Client’s requirements for herself and the rest of the Party.

The Trial Session must be set for no later than 1 month before the Event and must take place at the studio of Gosia Weiss Makeup Artist.

A trial Session for the rest of the Party is recommended and to be discussed with the Artist.

The session

The Artist requires the Client and the rest of the Party to make themselves available from the start of the Session, until the Session is completed, which should be 1 hour before the start of the Event.

Failure by the Client and/or the rest of the Party to keep to the times as agreed for the Session will result in the Artist completing what remains of the Session at her discretion.

This may result in the make-up of one or more of the Party not being carried out by the Artist. This will not affect the previously agreed amount, which will still be payable in full.


All equiptment is sanitized between every makeup application. If you have a skin condition this should be reported to the makeup artist before application. If required, a sample test of makeup may be performed on the skin to test reaction. All clients agree to release the Gosia Weiss Makeup Artist, from liability for any skin complications due to allergic reactions.

Travel charges

A per mile fee will be charged from AB41. The amount charged is currently 50p per mile; this is subject to change. All costs for travel to a booked event are to be paid by client.


The client agrees that Gosia Weiss Makeup Artist may use any photographs for publicity purposes. This may include but are not limited to the Gosia Weiss Makeup Artist website and social media pages.

Get in Touch

13 + 5 =

+44 7922433753


Ellon Business Centre,
Broomiesburn Road,
Ellon AB41 9RD

Gosia Weiss white logo 200

I promise you an experience going much further than simply a good makeup artist. I offer creativity, understanding and knowledge of how to make your inner beauty shine. Makeup is my passion.